Timing is Everything

by JoAnn and Forest

Disclaimer : WEPownsVoltron.

Heart pounding, Lance listens, an incredulous joy rising inside of him.

"...We need backup. If you come, we may even have a chance at severely damaging Doom."

"Acknowledged. We have the data; we'll see you shortly. And…" Keith's voice warms with a wealth of feeling. "It's good to hear you, Sven."

The static filled connection is silent for a moment, and then the hoarse voice responds. "It's good to be heard, Captain."

~~~After the battle

Rounding the corner, Keith steps into the rec room, and freezes. Before him, completely oblivious to the world around them, are Lance and Sven, sunk deep in a passionate embrace. Instantly, Keith backs out of the room, hitting the lock on the way out. I knew Sven was always first in Lance's heart. But I thought he would at least speak to me first. Tell me what I already know, rather than just assuming... Feeling the internal tremors increase, Keith swallows hard, walking faster. I'm not going to make it back... Swiftly, he turns into the library. He manages to make it to the cubicle in the back before he crumples into a small ball. Shivering, completely focused on the emptiness in his chest, he doesn't notice the alarmed reactions of the space mice nearby.


Almost sobbing in relief, Lance revels in the familiar feel/taste of Sven. I thought you had died. I thought I'd never feel you again...

Knotting his hands in Sven's longer hair, Lance desperately deepens the kiss.

Though Sven responds almost as desperately, he is the one who pulls back, and speaks for both of them. "What's wrong?"

Shuddering, tucking his head against Sven's neck, Lance breathes in the familiar scent before tipping his head back to uncomfortably meet Sven's eyes. "I thought you were dead." The guilt in his eyes and the uncertain pitch of his voice betrays what he really means, turning the statement into a confession.

"And you moved on." Sven's voice is calm, emotionless without a tremor.

The same is not true of Lance. "If I had known, if I had thought there was even a chance you were still alive..." Even now, his fingers gently caress Sven's features, as if still unconvinced that he really is there.

"Do you think I wanted you pining after me? I hoped you'd found someone else... I want you to be happy. Are you?"

Slowly, tears welling up, face thoroughly miserable, nevertheless, Lance nods. When Sven smiles slightly, a touch sadly, Lance can feel an inexplicable sensation of being set free. "I still love you" is all he can think to say in return.

Sven's smile loses its sad edge. "And I'll always love you. The thought of you was all that kept me alive at first. But we both had to move on. I found other things to live for, you found someone else to love." Considering, thinking of blond hair and blue eyes and a voice that sends shivers down his back, he adds pensively, "I may have as well."

Feeling Lance finally relax in an embrace that has changed from sexual to comforting, Sven looks questioningly at him. "And while I was on Doom, who were you with?"

Lance turns a deep red. Biting his lip, his gaze drops as he suddenly finds it very hard to look into Sven's eyes. "Keith."

"Keith?!? Our Captain?"


"I thought he'd be too regulation bound --"

"He is not!"

Lance's indignation brings a smile flashing across Sven's face. "If you say so. But I thought, from what I saw, that your Princess Allura has designs on him."

Lance shakes his head. "No way. Allura has never shown any interest in Keith. Except as a princess concerned about her knight."

"Hmm." Sven's clearly skeptical reply raises uneasy questions in Lance, even though Sven drops the subject in favor of relishing the comfort of being in Lance’s arms once more.


Frowning in worry, Allura hurries after Cheddar. I wonder who's crying? And so hard that Cheddar was worried... Rounding the corner, Allura's eyes fly wide open, taking in the rocking figure of her Captain. Oh, _gods_. _Lance and Sven_ must be the ones in the rec room. Lips compressed, Allura carefully reaches out, and enfolds Keith in her embrace. I can't believe Lance would do this to Keith. Keith loves him so very much. It shows in everything he does -- and Lance just takes it as his due! I know Lance loved Sven, but he hasn’t been back for even a full day yet. And, he’s so … different. "I'm here for you, Keith."

Turning in her embrace, Keith opens his eyes, looking at her with a naked need. "I don't want to be alone."

Taking a deep breath, determination blooming in her eyes, Allura responds with a quiet intensity. "You're not alone." And then, gently, she leans forward, and kisses Keith.

For a moment, his lips are still and unresponsive. But when she persists, suddenly, he comes to life under her, kissing her back, hands roaming down her back and pulling her even closer.


Walking out of the rec room, Lance kisses Sven one last time, for the memories, and walks to his quarters. Frowning, looking around, Lance grumbles when he doesn't find Keith. Hurriedly moving to Keith's quarters, his frown intensifies when he realizes Keith isn't there either. Checking the library, his last stop before doing a systematic search of the castle, he pales when he comes close to Keith's favorite cubicle. Through the thin walls, he can hear the soft, involuntary sounds of pleasure Keith always makes in the midst of their lovemaking. And he can hear, in counterpoint, sounds of pleasure, and murmurs of words in Princess Allura's soprano. No…


Or is it? On to Part 2

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