Taryn's FAKE Dimension

Welcome to my FAKE page. In case you missed (or completely ignored, as the case
may be) my warning page, FAKE is a manga/anime based on New York City police officers,
many of whom are gay. Realism at its finest, ne? Regardless, it is one of my absolute
favorite manga.
This page is still under massive construction, but I decided to go ahead and allow
people to wander through as I finish it. All of the links currently up should work and
more pages/pictures/etc. will be added regularly.
Places to Go
Character Descriptions Warning: Contains spoilers for the mangas
Manga Scans
FAKE fan fiction
A Shrine to Lou
FAKE links
Last updated May 21, 2007: I'm finally putting this page back up. Links will be updated as pages are completed. In the meantime, I apologize for the confusion.
Any comments, criticisms, or general suggestions should be addressed to Taryn

Disclaimer: FAKE is the creation of Sanami Matoh and the property of it's creator and BexBoy Comics. This page
is intended only as a tribute to one of my favorite manga and I am in no way making any profit from the creator's
work. Web space is provided by Tripod. All ideas and opinions contained in
these pages are mine alone.
All material in these pages is (c)2000 to Taryn
Montgomery. Nothing should be copied or removed without my expressed consent.