Note: Not all the links I have listed throughout my site are on this page. These are simply friends' sites and some of my favorite places to go. For links dealing directly with yaoi anime and manga series, go here for a huge list, and for Voltron sites centering
on Lotor, go here.
Voltron Links
Kaie's page One of the first pages with Voltron yaoi. Currently undergoing reconstruction
Durcheinanderreich Todensengel's page of fiction, both Voltron and other.
A Soft Sound in the Silence Randi's page of fanfics
The Nibs of Quill Quill's page of fanficion
Vying on LJ All the voltron yaoi you've been looking for on one handy live journal page
World Events Productions: The Official WEP Voltron page. I never go there so I really don't know what's there, but they do own the rights to Voltron. Hence the link.
Voltron DVDs That's right: DVDs. Kicking and screaming will '80s cartoons be dragged into the 21st century.
The Castle of Lions A very nice Voltron site with a medieval theme.
V4: Past, Present, and Future A different Voltron site. I still recommend Voltron X if you're looking for something different.
The Unofficial Voltron Force Homepage One of the most complete Voltron sites out there. This may well be the only site that also has info on Go-Lion and Dairugger X.
Melodie's Storycenter Short Voltron fanfics, mostly centering on Lance. They're different than most of Voltron fanfics I've found. I do recommend at least making a visit.
Anime Links
These links are listed with very little regard to series or content. Note also that most links will take you somewhere with yaoi material. If that really bothers you, then how on Earth did you end up here anyway?
Aestheticism: An online yaoi zine with a huge fanfiction archive. If you're over 18, they also have a free membership to virtual yaoi city and their cybershoppe, where you can purchase everything from artbooks to manga to some rather hard to find doujishni.
The Anime Web Turnpike: A good starting point for any search for anime.
Gatchaman, BOTP, and G-Force: A collection of nearly every Gatch site out there. They have downloads, too :-)
Mink's Ronin Yaoi Cake Archive The place to go for Ronin Warriors/YST fanfics, fan art, and dj scans.
MaryMQC's Own Little World of Yaoi Fanfics Can you ever have too many Ranma/Ryoga fics? Very sweet stories based on Ranma 1/2 and YST.
Madamhydra's Lair Gundam Wing, Rurouni Kenshin, and Ranma 1/2 fanfics by a very talented writer. They're all very original and worth the time it takes to read through them.
White June: Weiss Kreuz Yaoi-Only Site Yaoi fanfics about everyone's favorite assassins.
Other Fun Places to Go
These are in seriously no order. Chaos rules!!
Child of Darkness: A very cool goth site with pictures, art, and stories. Go and look. Go on. Why are you still reading this?
Sasuga Japanese Bookstore A good place online to order Japanese books, manga, and magazines.
Rare Slash Archive Because you should never be alone.
The Ohio State University: Okay, so I bleed scarlet and gray. I can live with that.
The Ultimate Drinking Game Homepage: *grins* I went to a Big 10 university. You can find a drinking game for nearly everything, and he has some really cool links.
Real Beer Page: Games Traditional drinking games: the type not based on anything other than imagination.
Alien Abductions Incorporated Ever find yourself wondering if you've been abducted by aliens? Take their quiz and put your mind at ease
New Moon at O'Neill's Ghostories "The best chill on the net!"
Bill's Repository of Robert Jordan Fandom Everything you've ever wanted to know about the Wheel of Time
Alternative Sexualities in Science Fiction and Fantasy Looking for a good book to read?
Lambda Sci-Fi Recommended Reading A much less comprehensive list of books, all recommend by the compiler.
The Endicott StudiosGood original fantasy, editorials, book reviews, and a heck of a good recommended reading list.
The Slash Project Database and Minotaur's Sex Tips for Slash Writers 18 and older only. Looking for a particular series or pairing? This is a good place to search, with a searchable database. Have a site of your own? Go enter it. Also, the ever popular slash sex scene tips for those in need should be back online soon. Bored? Here you go. Knock yourself out.
The Innocent Bystander's Survival Guide Consider yourself a hero? This is not the site for you, but it's good advice, regardless.
Assassin- Kill Celebrities Have an undeniable urge to blow up Paris or Britney? This is the page for you, from the creators of Hamster Blast. ArchivesReally, really, really good Good Omens archive. They also have all kinds of categories, including The Dark is Rising and some Discworld fics, which honestly aren't nearly as good as the Good Omens stuff. They have a lot of categories, but I haven't made it through much but the literature, honestly.
The Good Omens Library Gee, can you tell where one of my favorite obsessions lies?
Barkeater Lake A good on-line comic. Bacon!
Medium Large The absolute best comic ever moved from to it's own web page! Sweet.
How to Write Marginally Readable Fanfiction Okay, she's a little preachy, but you have to admit that she has a good point, and good tips, as well.
Boys' Heaven: The Yaoi Web Ring
site is owned by Taryn.

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