Since I am totally incapable of keeping track of when I've updated anything if left to my own devices, I decided to add an update page. Now, if I can only remember to actually update it...
6/27/07: In a bid to keep procrastinating forever, I moved my GW fics from the soon-to-be-completely-nonexistent GW gallery to the Tales from Other Fandoms page. Jenn's goth GW pic is linked to The TellTale Braid from there. I need to figure out something else to do with it, but for the minute, there it is.
***6/26/07: I should have been writing a paper today. Instead, note that I successfully procrastinated the day away coding. All kinds of stories have been added. Two stories (Quiet and You) were added to the Voltron archives. Both of them are Sven/Lance. In a burst of energy born of desperation, I also worked on the non-anime slash fanfic archive. It's up and running with multiple stories, some from rare or really, really odd fandoms: Night Sweats (Black Company- Raven), Loving Bonds (The Dark is Rising- Will/Bran), Flight and Trust Me (both Good Omens- Crowley/Aziraphale), Draco Malfoy's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (HP- virtually everyone available), The Weight of Doubt (the Iron Tower trilogy- Danner/Patrol), and Punishment (Prophecy- Gabriel/Michael). Most of these haven't been beta-read by anyone but me due to my complete lack of a beta-reader at the moment, so opinions are definitely appreciated. See? I accomplished SOMEthing today. Wonder if I can turn this in to my advisor...
***6/4/07: Two stories have been added to the Voltron story archives over the last couple of days (both mine): Fog, an AU Hunk/Pidge- kind of- fic that takes place far in the future and was posted on vying at some point, and Waiting, a comic-based fic about Alfor's apparently psychotic ghost and his rather frightening tractor beam that's never been posted anywhere. On that note, I just found all of my handwritten stories and notes and a couple of cd's from my last two computers that I thought lost forever, so more to follow.
***5/25/07: The Voltron fanfic archive can now be accessed by author or by pairing. I'm still thinking about rearranging the archive, but I'm not quite sure how I want it to look yet. I also realized as I added links to the "by pairing" index that three of JoAnn's stories somehow weren't linked from the "by author" page, though they exist. Anchor, Seduction, and The Best Laid Plans have all been re-added to the index. I have no idea how that I happen, and I truly apologize. I also added A Day Off to the karoke theater section of the Voltron parodies page. It's not new, just never added.
***5/21/07: I'm in the process of rebuilding the FAKE dimension pages. I haven't reposted the manga scans yet, but some of the fanfic is reposted (Alone, What Do I Have to Do?, and Why Me?). None of the fanfics are new, but they've been down for a while. I also removed most of the random image galleries out of general annoyance and a bit of a vindictive fit after I accidently erased most of the index page. Oops. I think everything is back up and functioning, though. Anyway, random images will probably pop back up here and there, but that's about it.
***05/16/07: Okay, seriously, I'm stressed and I need something distracting to do, so here I am. I've deleted all of my stories that are in progress and appear to be terminally unfinished. It's much easier to proofread and move things around without them hanging over my head like that. I'm also deleting random pages that don't really need to exist, and new stories from a variety of fandoms will be added soon. Really. Trust me.