Last Updated: 5/18/01Taryn's Resource Center for Fanfic WritersParticularly of the Yaoi VarietySo you've decided you want to write fanfiction and you're not sure where to start, or you've been writing for years and just need to track down that one migrating link? Hopefully this list can be a help. Note: this list is by no means exhaustive, as I'm one mortal and that kind of thing would be impossible. However, if you have a helpful link you'd be gracious enough to add, or if links are broken, please let me know. Thanks bunches! Additional note: I don't support the content of the below web sites. I'm simply providing links that have proven to be helpful to others, myself included. Don't blame me if you find something you don't like. Besides, I won't listen if you do, so there's no reason to waste all that energy, is there?
General LinksTo get you startedDr. Merlin's Guide to Fan Fiction Including my favorite, "Who is Mary Sue and why does she have to die?" 100 Most Useful Words in Anime Random Title Generator No, I don't recommend that you name stories this way. It is a lot of fun, though. The Fannish Potlatch An essay on mailing list culture that's very different. The Original Mary Sue Litmus Test Plus many other Mary Sue links. An absolute must.
Tips for Sex ScenesOr how to go about writing those pesky lemonsNote: These sites contain graphic material, exclusively male-male. If that's not your cup of tea, I'd skip this section and scroll on down.
JackinWorldThink you know everthing there is to know about male masturbation? Want to bet?
General Research LinksNever forgot just how important researching your story background can be
Religion and MythologyThis is but a fraction of the wealth of religion and mythology sites on the web. It can serve as a starting point, however.
Specialized Research LinksNever underestimate the importance of details in your story
Interation- Information on Refugees Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Doug's Ranma Resources for Fanfic Writers Incredibly nifty- he's even drawn out house plans
Notes on FeedbackOf course you want feedback. Be careful how you ask for it.
Hey Sailor, Got Some Comments?
Beta ReadersIf you don't have a friend willing to beta read for you, ask around. If nothing else, here's a place to start looking for willing victims.
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