All Hallow's Eve
by Jemi![]() Coran looked around. ³I have gathered you all here for a reason. There a secrets being kept here that threaten us all.² The Voltron force looked around. Lance shifted in his chair. ³What the hell? Who!?² Coran looked at them. ³You are all here for a reason, even you, Prince Lotor.² Lotor yawned and stretched. ³Get on with it, you old fool.² Coran frowned. ³Yes, well, I have to tell this, too many secrets could destroy our team and all we have worked for.² Hunk shifted uncomfortably. ³I donıt get what youıre driving at.² ³Oh, donıt you? I think you do.² They turned and stared. ³Hunk? You have the secret? What have you been hiding?² Allura cried. ³Nothing!² ³A very big nothing.² Coran pulled out a clove of something and threw it at Hunk. ³Catch.² Hunk screamed and fell backwards in his chair, scrabbling to get away from the little clove. Lance laughed and picked it up. ³Whatıs up with you? Itıs just garlic.² ³Garlic?² Keith cried. ³You arenıt!² ³He is.² Coran nodded. ³Hunk is a vampire.² Pidge nodded sagely. ³That would explain his aversion to daylight, always working in the bay, and looking like he shaved without a mirror.² Coran pointed an accusing finger at Pidge. ³Very deductive, young one, but then, you didnıt have to deduce anything. You knew, you always knew. You helped cover his tracks, and he helped you cover yours.² Pidge blinked, his eyes going wide. ³I donıt know what you mean, Coran.² Hunk stared at Coran in deisbelief. ³Heıs just a kid.² Coran pulled out a small cross. ³Humour me then. Come here, Pidge.² Pidge walked next to him. ³Yes?² He dropped the chain over the boyıs neck. Pidge howled and scrabbled at it, pulling it off, leaving red welts and burns across his hands and neck. Hunk jumped to his friend, holding him close. Keith jumped up, grabbing Coran. ³You bastard!² Coran shook his head. ³Wait.² The burns faded, turning a pale pink. Keith gasped. ³Howıs that done?² Coran handed Keith a bag filled with herbs and runes. ³You know. You research these creatures. As a witch, I would have thought you would have worked it out.² ³Witch!² Lotor started rolling on the floor laughing. ³Witch! What sort of pooy guy is a witch?² Keith slapped Lotor with one of the herbs. ³ A curse on you!² Lotor put a hand to his cheek. ³You prick!² ³Sorry, Keith. That wonıt work. Try iron.² Keith started laughing instead. ³You! Youıre a fucking elf! A elfy boy!² Pidge snarled at them. ³Shut up! The, noise, hurts,² Coran sighed. ³Yes, Keith, have some consideration for the young werewolf.² Allura snapped her fingers. ³That would explain the howls, the bite marks, scratches, the missing meat, dead deer and rabbits.....² ³Shut up, Allura. Or should I call you Alfor? Or Lion Spirit?² Allura blushed. ³I, I, alright, youıre correct. I am all of them. But I was Allura first!² Lance sat down. ³You all have a lot of explaining to do.² ³So do you, I think, mage.² ³Mage! I hate mages!² ³I hate witches! Whyıd you think I never listen to you?² Nanny yelled and hit Hunk. ³Bad, vampire. No biting friends.² Hunk pouted and rocked slightly. ³Iım hungry.² ³Youıre always hungry.² ³Shut it, dog boy.² ³Iıll get the cross out.² Nanny roared and turned into a giant dragon. ³SHUT UP THE LOT OF YOU!!!² There was a deafening silence before Pidge started laughing. ³I always said she was an old dragon.² They all snickered, before giving in and collapsing in laughter. Nanny roared again and chased them out through the hallways. Coran sighed and picked up the arm that had just fallen off when Keith pulled away from him. Stress tended to make things drop off when you were his age and long dead. Still, not too bad a night. Maybe he could stitch himself up and go back to zombie sleep for while before they came back.
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