Halloween Revengeby Phoenix
![]() Very little light shown through the forest canopy, giving it an unearthly appearance. It was perfectly silent. Not even the wind could be heard. In the clearing were the remains of a village. A few of the houses were still entacked, but most were either completely or partially burned. What was even stranger was that the few houses that were not damaged were in good shape, except they were deserted. All except one that is. An old woman dressed in worn rags with long graying yellow hair stood outside one of the houses, sweeping. "Greetings my sweet." she cackled with a smile. "I bet you are wondering what happened to this once proud village. Well, the stupid fools chose to anger the spirits of the forest, and paid the price. I am one of the few survivors." She swings her broom angrily. "Now DON'T give me that `There Are No Such Things As Spirits' look!! I survived because I respected the spirits! If most of the villagers had kept their beliefs in the forest spirits, then the village would not be in the shape it is in now!" "Ahhh. You are one of the naïve younger generation. You don't know about the forest spirits." She breaks into a chilling smile, revealing her yellow teeth, many of which are missing. "As long as you respect nature and its creatures, the spirits will leave you alone. However, they can be very mischievous, especially on Halloween night." She opens the door to the cabin and takes a step inside. "Well, don't just stand there like a blooming idiot! Come in and get an education!" She mumbles something about damn whipper snappers and shuffles inside. The door leads into a large room with a fireplace. A large table full of bowels and herbs stands in the middle of the room. Two chairs and a small table with two cups are next to the fireplace. The room is full of dust and cobwebs. The old woman shuffles to one of the chairs and sits. "Would you like something to drink?" She picks up a tea kettle from the fireplace and pours some black liquid into one of the cups. It is foaming worse than dry ice. "No. That is the problem with young people these days. They don't want to try anything new." "Take a seat and relax! You look as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. My name is Allura, and I am about to tell you a tale of revenge when the villagers, three people in particular, chose to anger the spirits." Her eyes start to glass over as she rocks in her chair.
The night was like any other night in the village. Merchants stood outside of their shops, trying to sell their wares to last minute shoppers. People bustled through the streets. Tomorrow would be the day before Halloween, and the villagers were getting ready for the Halloween Harvest Festival. The harvest promised to be very plentiful, and everyone was looking forward to a comfortable winter. Many villagers stood around their homes joking about the forest spirits since Halloween was around the corner. Unfortunately for them, they forgot that Halloween was the time when the spirits were the most powerful, and the villagers should have been paying their respects to them instead of mocking them. Most had forgotten that the harvest was due to nature and not human labors. Two men sat at a small table, drinking coffee in the shadows. Both wore black dusters and had an air of mystery about them. "It would seem that most of the villagers have forgotten the true meaning of the harvest, Sven." the larger one replied as he gazed at the village activity. Sven lifted his cup up. "It looks that way, Hunk. I think we will get to have more fun this Halloween than in the past. The people need to be reminded that nature decides what is best for them, not themselves." "Is this a private party or can anyone join?" Sven and Hunk looked up to see a brown haired, slim young man with a mischievous grin. Hunk grinned. "You sure took your time getting here, Lance. Did wolf boy get lost in the forest again?" Sven choked on his coffee when Lance's jaw hit the floor. Lance sputtered, "Very funny, you vamp! Remind me to put garlic in your bed before you sleep!" He glared at Sven, who seemed to be having problems breathing. "The same applies to you!" Hunk chuckled. "I hate to disappoint you bud, but that won't work. Sven and I are half blood vampires, so many of the things that affect pure bloods, like garlic and sunlight, don't affect us." "Take it easy Lance. Hunk was just joking." Sven managed to reply between gasps for air. "By the way, where is your partner?" "Pidge decided to gather more herbs for Halloween. He is really looking forward to casting spells on the nonbelievers this year. Keith decided to keep an eye on him. You know how protective he is over all of us." Hunk nodded and glanced at the villagers again. "That witch is going to have a hell of a time this year." Lance eyed the people. "It is a shame that they keep forgetting nature. I for one am looking forward to this Halloween!" "Oh, really." Sven's smile looked predatory. "Could it be that this Halloween is an autumn moon and that Keith tends to get especially frisky on Halloween and the nights of a full moon?!?" It was Hunk's turn to choke on his coffee when Lance turned bright red and started sputtering again. "Keith is a full blooded werewolf, so he has to take his wolf form every night. He can't help it if the full moons have an extra affect him, or Halloween for that matter. I am only a half breed, so I am able to chose whether or not I want to take my form at night." Sven's eyes glowed in the moonlight. "I see. I am sure his friskiness has nothing to do with your excitement." Hunk almost fell out of his chair with laughter. He didn't think Lance could get any redder, but somehow he did after Sven's remark. "Some guys have all the fun." Sven leaned over and wiped the droplets of coffee from Hunk's jaw. "Don't worry love. Next Halloween there will be a new moon. Then it will be our turn to get especially frisky." It was Lance's turn to chuckle as Hunk's eyes light up at the idea. Hunk was about to reply when the night silence was broken by gunfire in the distance. This was followed with angry cursing and shouting. "What the fuck was that?!?" Hunk looked at the others. Lance looked worried. "I don't know, but that came from the area where Pidge was collecting herbs!" The three men jumped to their feet and ran in the direction of the gunfire. Sven, Lance, and Hunk managed to push their way through the crowd. Three men stood next to a frozen pond near the outskirts of town. The largest man was holding a rifle aimed into the forest. The other smaller two men were yelling at the larger man. "How could you have missed him?!? He was as big as a lion!!" yelled the red haired man. The shooter was pissed. "He was fucking black!! How was I suppose to see him?!?" The yellowed haired man just sneered. "YOU are just a superstitious fool! What's the matter? Is mama's little boy afraid of spirits?" The crowd laughed at this remark, making the shooter madder. Pidge sat next to a hole in the iced over pond. Sven and the other rushed to his side. He was soaking wet, and his eyes almost glowed with anger. "What the hell are you three doing?!? He just saved my life by pulling me out of the pond! Why did you fucking shoot at him?!?" "WHAT?!?!" It took both Sven and Hunk to hold Lance back. If it weren't for their superhuman strength, those three men would have been deader than doornails. "It looks like we have a bunch of nature lovers in our mist." the shooter snickered. "What's the matter? Are you afraid that spirits will take revenge?" His two friends burst into laughter as the three walked back to the village, followed by the chuckling crowd. Sven's hate filled eyes followed the crowd. "I am really looking forward to Halloween night." Hunk removed his duster and wrapped it around Pidge. "What happened buddy?" Pidge clutched the coat closer around his body. "I noticed some mushrooms that I needed along the edge of the pond. As I was pulling them up, I lost my balance and crashed through the ice. The next thing I knew Keith was pulling me out of the pond. Then several shots landed near us, and Keith took off for the forest. That blasted son of a bitch just kept firing! I am going to put my worst curse on those three." Sven walked over to the two. "I think the whole village needs to pay. At least Keith got away and you are all right. Keith will probably meet us at our cabin." "No he won't." Lance replied shakily. He was staring at the ground, all color washed from his face. "Sven, you and Hunk take Pidge back to the cabin. I will call you two when I find him. Just follow my howl." He bolted into the forest. Hunk walked over to where Lance had stood. "Shit!" A trail of blood lead into the woods.
A brown wolf with yellow eyes sped through the forest. Though he knew his mate’s scent by heart, more then once he had to turn around and back track because he lost the scent. His mate was making it difficult on purpose in order to make pursuit almost impossible. He knew that his mate would not go toward the cabin in case he was pursued. He would not endanger the others, no matter what. The brown wolf stopped and sniffed the air. Pawing the ground in frustration, he turned around and returned to the stream. Nosing the ground, he found the scent again. Forcing himself to slow down, he sniffed the air searching for the right direction. His mate appeared to be heading in the direction of the valley. Pausing to scent the air one more time, the brown wolf turned toward the valley, quickening his pace. The moonlight cast its soft light, blanketing the woods with a supernatural glow. The shadows appeared to have a life of their own. The forest was silent, except for the sound of soft paws racing on dead leaves and rapid breathing. Reaching the valley, the brown wolf stopped and took in his surroundings. The moon’s glow extended into the valley, giving it a fairy like appearance. In the center of the valley was another stream, sparkling in the moonlight. Next to the stream were several large boulders, telling of a time of an ancient ice age. In the shadows of one of the boulders was a black object, almost the size of a lion. Yelping, the brown wolf leaped over the stream to stand next to his mate. Blood was pouring from the black wolf’s right shoulder. The brown wolf whimpered as he nuzzled his mate. The black one managed to lift his head briefly in response, his breath coming out in gasps. His blue eyes glowed faintly before they closed as he lowered his head. The brown wolf sat back on his haunches and raised his head to the moon. A sorrowful howl pierced the night air. Hunk and Sven watched hypnotized as Pidge scurried around the cabin, gathering herbs and potions. Every so often he would stop and place a few in a huge cauldron that was stewing in the fireplace. “If Keith can just stay alive until daybreak, then he will be able to heal himself once he changes into his human form.” “What do you mean ‘once in his human form’?” Hunk asked. “Can’t he start healing himself in his wolf form like Lance?” Pidge shook his head. “Keith is a pure blood. He can only heal himself in the opposite form of the injury. Lance may be able to heal himself in any form, but he can only heal minor injuries. More major injuries may heal faster than a normal human, but still slower than a pure blood. Also there is no guarantee that Lance will survive. By going into his opposite form, Keith will go into a healing sleep, allowing him to survive near fatal injuries. The more severe the injury the longer he sleeps. However, he will still survive. That is why pure blood werewolves are considered the oldest living creature on earth.” Sven’s fingers absently drummed the table. “So how old is Keith anyway? He is the first pure blood that I have ever met.” “Same here. I am not really sure how old Keith is, he never said.” Pidge’s eyes took on a faded look. “I do remember one time Keith making a comment that the forest was much better off before humans came.” Sven’s fingers stopped in mid drum. “But, humans didn’t settle this area until 500 years ago!!” Pidge nodded. “I actually think Keith is even older than that! He has extensive knowledge of the vegetation and layout of this area, not to mention the surrounding countries. Knowledge like that is only gained from first hand experience and extensive traveling.” Hunk was about to reply when a howl interrupted him. “I don’t like the sound of that! It came from the valley. Let’s fly Sven.” The two men quickly exited the cabin and took to the night sky. Two large flying objects were outlined against the moon. These objects descended into a small valley, landing next to several large boulders. The two black figures moved quickly toward a smaller figure kneeling next to a large black wolf. Lance had removed his shirt and was pressing it into the black wolf, desperately trying to slow the bleeding. His pleading eyes looked up at his two friends. “We have to hurry!! He doesn’t have much time left!” Hunk immediately bent down and grunted as he picked the wolf up. Even with his vampire strength, the wolf was NOT a sack of potatoes. “Don’t worry Lance. Pidge will be able to keep him alive until sunrise.” Hunk quickly rose into the air. Sven wrapped his arms around Lance’s waist. “You will get back quicker this way.” Carrying Lance, Sven followed. Hunk growled as the sun’s light hit him in the face. “I NEVER thought I would be so happy to see the sunrise!” Sven nodded. He glanced up as Pidge came out of one of the bedrooms. “Is he going to be alright?” “Yes. He is in a healing sleep right now, for how long I don’t know.” Pidge nodded grimly. “Though those three that did this will not be as lucky when I am through with them!!” “Don’t do anything yet Pidge.” Sven’s eyes danced with evil laughter. “We still have one more night before Halloween. Let’s play with them first. Then on Halloween they will get what’s coming to them.” Pidge jumped around the room, laughing hysterically. “Let ME play with them, PLEASE!!” Hunk couldn’t help but laugh at his little buddy’s enthusiasm. “Sure thing Pidge. But, Sven, Lance, and I get to play with them on Halloween Eve.” Sven smiled as Pidge’s face fell with the last part. “Don’t worry Pidge. You will still get to have fun on Halloween. I think the whole town needs a little reminder about what happens when you fool around with the forest spirits.” Pidge rubbed his hands in glee. “We have much to do to get ready. Hunk, get Lance so that we can get started. I am sure he doesn’t want to miss out on this!” Lance was sitting next to the double bed in the room that he and Keith shared. The fingers of his left hand were threaded through Keith’s, while his right hand softly caressed Keith’s forehead. To the casual observer, one would think that Keith was just sleeping peacefully and that nothing sinister had happened. The bloody bandage that wrapped his right shoulder and chest told otherwise. Lance didn’t turn around when Hunk walked into the room. He knew each of his friends’ scents as well as the unique sounds each one made. Hunk walked over and placed his hand on Lance’s shoulder. “How are you doing?” “He almost DIED!! They nearly fucking KILLED him!! I am going to RIP their blasted throats OUT!!” Lance spat out. “I hear you buddy. We are planning on having a lot of fun this Halloween, but we are going to need your help.” Lance’s eyes glowed yellow as his tongue slowly whiped his fangs. “Count me in!” “Good. Join us when you are ready.” Hunk gave his shoulder a squeeze and left the room. Lance leaned over and gently pressed his lips against Keith’s. “Don’t worry love. They will pay for this. I promise you.” Standing up, he gave Keith’s hand a tender squeeze and left to join the others. They had a little Halloween revenge to put into action.
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