Moonlightby Todesengel
![]() Lance paced the length of the rec. room nervously, sweating visibly before his seated teammates. He'd been antsy all day, but it was only after Keith had threatened him with candy duty that he finally managed to summon up enough courage to tell the team his dark secret. Although in a few more minutes, it wouldn't really matter, because they'd all see it anyway. "We're waiting, Lance." The slim pilot sighed and stopped pacing, turning to the others with a face lined by agony. "Okay. Well, I have this little, uh, problem. See, I'm a kind of, uh, were-beast. Y'know, a man who turns into a beast when the moonlight hits them?" Pidge snorted a laugh. "Right Lance. There's no such thing as were-bests. It's genetically impossible." "Pidge, this has nothing to do with science. This is all magic." Lance shuddered. "And it's terrible. I turn into a horrible monster. I can't control myself." "Well if that's the case, we'll just lock you into one of the rooms. The walls are solid metal; I don't think you're strong enough to break thorugh them no matter what you turn into." Keith paused, brow furrowing slighlty. "You don't have opposible thumbs, do you?" "No." Lance swallowed. "But you don't understand. The worst part about this curse is--too late! The moon's risen! I'm changing! Run, get away while you still can! Save yourselves!" Lance began to shrink as the pale light hit him, dark fur sprouting from his body in a luxurious pelt. His face reshaped itself, teeth lengthening and sharpening, a sharp muzzle forming. His ears melted into his skull, before reshpaing themselves and thrusting out from the top of his head covered in the same fur that coated his suddenly small body. He shrank further and further, until he dissapeared into his clothes. The Voltron Force stood, tensed and ready to deal with whatever foul menace had taken their friends place. The pile began to twitch. Four pairs of hands went for their lasers. The brown leather jacket was thrust aside and Lance emerged. As a cabbit. "Mrow?" -End.