One With the Light
by JoAnn
Disclaimer: WEPownsVoltron. Bah. Full lyrics and song credits follow the fic.

345 A.F.
High King Alfor died before his time, before an heir was named or
found, leaving behind his grief-stricken lifemate, Zarkon, and a
daughter promised to the Goddess. Both of them were unable and
incapable of seeing, let alone controlling, the power of the Stone
that bound Arus together. The same Stone that Alfor had been working
with when a backwash of power slew him.
And in his maddened grief, Zarkon, now sole ruler of Arus, turned on
every person who carried the bloodlines that granted them the ability
to call upon the power of the Stone. He slaughtered families until
his warriors couldn’t face the blood on their hands, and turned on
In his uncaring hands, the empire of Arus, once peaceful and rich,
once envied by distant lands, shattered in spiraling rage and fear.
By the time of his death, Arus was no longer one. Lines of entrenched
hate split family from family, warrior from mage, farmer from scholar.
Unable to do anything but watch, Allura, daughter of Alfor, Priestess
of the Goddess, stood helplessly as her world shattered around her
with the death of her father. In grief, she reached deeper than any
other priestess before or since, and gave into their keeping a
prophecy of hope and despair.
A day will come, when the idea of Arus being one once more seems
within our grasp. That day, there will be one who can summon the
power of the Stone. Also there will be one with the strength to stand
against the full brunt of the dammed power of the Stone. Into these
two, the future of Arus rests. Should they stand together, the Stone
will claim them for the High throne, and Arus will prosper, rising to
greater heights than before. Should they stand divided, the Stone
will rage unchecked, and destroy what fragile bonds between Arusians
that are left.
579 A.D. (1257 A.F.)
That none may know
makes her way alone
through the dark green glen
Stealing quietly through the night-dark forest as only he can, Pidge
watches warily, testing by sight and sound to be sure that he is not
followed, before moving forward. This time, here and now, is a trial,
for his ease alone. Written down in the old, moldering books he found
in the abbey is a description of how those, with the power inside
them, could feel the Stone that anchors this land. All his life, he’s
felt a calling, a yearning in just this direction -- toward the Stone
of legends.
Once, as a child, he ran away from his minders, and found himself in
old ruins, standing before a weathered stone and a vine-covered
throne. From the stone, he felt a dark, hungry Power, calling him to
free it from its bonds. Frightened, he fled, refusing to touch,
remembering the old, old tales his Nanna told, of dark tricksters,
enticing people to their death. But ever after, he dreamed of the
Stone and the throne and the power trapped inside.
Now, he is here, as an adult, to stand before the presence of the
Stone to see if he truly is capable of setting the power free.
Because this power, dark as it is, may be the only chance his love
She gave her heart
to a man enchanted
with eyes of fire
Slipping into the ruined room where the Stone rests, Pidge quakes
before the sheer, wild hunger the Stone radiates. Taking a deep
breath, he licks his lips, shaking, pulling up the memory of his love
to strengthen him.
Tall and slender, with whipcord strength, his love is a warrior, a
fighter -- and born a spellcaster. He has eyes that burn, scorching
the world around him, should he let loose his control. For the power
in his eyes, he became King. And because of the power of his eyes, he
walked alone. All around him trembled with fear in his presence.
But Pidge, whom the greenwood embraces and protects, can meet his
love’s fire-eyes without fear of death. Out of curiosity, Pidge
sought him out. Out of love, Pidge stayed. And for that love, Pidge
will do anything.
Even wake the power locked inside the Stone.
His questions answered, calm now, Pidge slips out, blending into the
shadows of the forest.
He stands alone
Many Kings and Warriors
and angry men
approach the stone
Who will rise up
Destined to claim the throne?
Quietly, King Lance watches as dawn spreads its splendor across the
morning sky. Holding the moment for as long as he can, he savors the
fragile peace he has wrought amongst his fellow royalty.
As the warring tribes twined together in ever enlarging groups, each
leader held a larger and larger bit of land. Until now, where there
are only five kings to rule what once was the Empire -- the closest to
the Empire the land has seen since the fall of High King Alfor. And
all, including Lance, dream of resurrecting the Empire under _his_
rule. But before the last wars could break out, Lance threw a
desperate gamble. In the lands he holds, rests the Stone of the High
King. Ancient prophecy speaks of the Stone naming the next High
King. For that chance of bloodless victory, he offered his fellow
Kings free passage for themselves and their protection into the heart
of his land, to try the Stone at the height of the Goddess’ power. As
well, he knows, as does his brothers in power, that should the Stone
name no one -- the five of them, and their chosen warriors, will
battle to the death.
Many fear his power to cast a spell
Few could understand
Taking a deep breath, Lance lets it out gently. In his eyes, rests a
power, grown by legend and rumor such that, should the Stone name no
one, then he will be the first to fall. The other four will join
together in fear of him. And even with the full fire of his eyes, he
won’t live if all their skill is bent against him.
Walking in a slow measured pace, Lance revels in the details of what
is perhaps the last morning of his life. His only wish is for another
glimpse of his love, absent from him since yesterday eve.
She says
No magic is stronger than the love we share
growing deep inside
My love and I
have conquered the unforgiving darkness
We’ll shine…..
as one with the light
Cradled within the branches of a spectator tree, Pidge senses their
approach as the slow procession winds its way through the forest. His
eyes feast upon the slender figure of his love, burning, even from
this distance with a contained power than none of the other pale
ghosts of Kings have.
Waiting with the patience of a tree growing, Pidge watches as one by
one, each Royalty approaches the stone. His way is the way of last
resort. Perhaps, the Stone need not be awakened. Perhaps these Kings
will see a sign in the world around them, and take that for the
Stone’s favor, and settle upon the High King bloodlessly, without the
wild, unleashed power of the Stone.
Gauging the restlessness of the warriors and the royalty, Pidge
waits. Whatever happens, nothing can tear his love and him apart.
Not even the wild magic of the Stone.
The hours pass
Weapons drawn in anger as all heart fail
Will the sword decide?
Confusion reigns
No one hears her pleading, for she alone
can turn the tide
Knowing well the answer she holds inside
As time passes, patience breaks, and breaks again. Until, finally, it
is King Hunk who shatters the fragile peace binding them all. With an
impatient roar, he draws his blade, turning in that same instant upon
Lance. At his battle-cry, the other Kings break as well, and draw
steel. Their warriors follow their kings’ lead.
Eyes wide, locked on to Lance’s quicksilver movements, Pidge drops
down upon the Stone, speaking without thinking, his whispered plea
lost in the crash of battle. “Come to my aid, Stone’s power.” At his
touch and his words, the Stone breaks free with a roar only he can
hear, made up of both joy and rage.
Suddenly a hush falls upon the throng
She’s sitting down awaking the stone.
Tendrils of dark shadow and bright light spread across the
battlefield. Magic a heavy, muffling weight in the air, all stop and
turn in helpless thrall toward the stone.
Once facing the stone, all but one are frozen, staring at the small
figure caught in a maelstrom of power.
Lance alone cries out, and leaps into the heart of the storm.
She says
No magic is stronger than the love we share
growing deep inside
My love and I
have conquered the unforgiving darkness
We’ll shine…..
as one with the light
Wrapping himself around his love’s small body, Lance reaches out with
his mind and his heart. Though power rages unchecked all around him,
all he cares for is the spark that turns toward his call, pulled by
their bond of love. Wound around that precious spark, Lance holds
with all of him, willing his lover to turn away from the wild and
dark-bright power that scours Pidge’s mind even as it reaches across
the breadth of Arus. And slowly, he feels his love return at his
urging, pulling free of the undertow of power, now riding the power
rather than immersed in it.
Together, for a moment, all they do is ride. Then, in outrage at the
destruction, they cast out fragile lines of control, spun of
themselves. The Stone’s power bucks and fights. But they refuse to
let go, and spin more and more of themselves out, wrapping the power
in a web of their will. For an eternal second, the battle wages. And
then, the power bows to their will.
Shaking their heads, clearing their eyes of magic-dazzle, Lance and
Pidge look upon a world of wonder.
The air has a strange clear quality to it, fairly singing with magic
that is sunk deep into all of Arus.
Where once the unruly forest had taken over the ruins of a castle,
there is a soft green-grass carpet, high arching trees, and a throne
with the Stone before it -- looking as if it had been an audience
chamber grown.
Standing in a daze before them, are the Kings.
King Keith is the first to kneel, sword offered in a silent oath, his
warriors falling to their knees behind him. King Sven is a half
breath after him, his warriors, also offering their sword-oath along
with their liege. A moment to consider, and King Lotor and his
fighters kneel as well. Last, with a skeptical, measuring look, is
King Hunk. But kneel he does.
A new High King of Arus has been crowned.
Here’s the song -- and, yeah, I took liberty with gender. ^_^
One With The Light
By Lia Fail
That none may know
makes her way alone
through the dark green glen
She gave her heart
to a man enchanted
with eyes of fire
He stands alone
Many Kings and Warriors
and angry men
approach the stone
Who will rise up
Destined to claim the throne?
Many fear his power to cast a spell
Few could understand
She says
No magic is stronger than the love we share
growing deep inside
My love and I
have conquered the unforgiving darkness
We’ll shine…..
as one with the light
The hours pass
Weapons drawn in anger as all heart fail
Will the sword decide?
Confusion reigns
No one hears her pleading, for she alone
can turn the tide
Knowing well the answer she holds inside
Suddenly a hush falls upon the throng
She’s sitting down awaking the stone.
