Ashes, Part 1by TikiQuick Disclaimer: Voltron is the property of WEP ![]() He crouched in the bushes watching as everything he had ever known burned to the ground. The flames rose high into the night sky. Buildings that had stood for decades were reduced to ash in minutes. Through the roar of the flames, screams cut through the night. The screams were those unlucky souls who hadn't escaped the carnage. He would have joined them if HE hadn't dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night. He owed his life to a boy he could hardly stand to look at. A boy who's existence he barely tolerated, had saved his life. He didn't know whether to be thankful or to be sick. A hand grasped his arm. "Come on, we have to go." He turned away from the destruction and looked at the younger boy. He shook his hand off of his arm. "You go. I won't run away like a coward." "Are you crazy? There's nothing left. Stop being stupid." He stared back at the other boy. "There's nothing stupid about tradition. You wouldn't understand." "I understand enough." He pointed to the burning buildings. "Do you understand? There's nothing left for you here. Do you think they want you to throw your life away?" "Perhaps," he looked back at the flames, "you have a point. Vengeance would be better served at another time." The other boy rolled his eyes. "Sure vengeance, whatever. Let's get out of here." He walked away from the flames and into the night. He looked one last time at the sight of his former home. They would pay for their crimes. He turned away and followed his...companion into the darkness.
Keith glanced around the table. His other three companions sat silently waiting to hear what Sven would say next. Pidge and Romelle kept stealing nervous glances towards the head of the table. Hunk stared down at his hands, refusing to look at anyone. Sven sat with his eyes closed, his head bowed over his clasped hands. He had been sitting like that for several minutes now. Whatever he was going to say, wasn't going to be good. He closed his eyes for a moment. This night hadn't been good for any of them. He had a feeling it was just going to get worse. Keith sighed, he knew no matter what, the night was definitely going to get worse for him. Sven was pissed and when Sven was pissed things got bad for Keith. Not that things went well for him anyway. They just tended to get worse Sven was mad. "Now," Sven opened his eyes and looked at the others, "let me get this straight. You had a chance to kill one of them and you didn't take it? Am I missing something here?" "I'm sorry but...." Sven slammed his hand against the table. "You're sorry! What kind of excuse is that!" Keith couldn't take it, he had to speak. He chewed on his lower lip for a second, then he spoke quietly, barely above a whisper. "His friends were right around the corner. There was nothing Pidge or Romelle could do." Sven turned his head to glare at him. He spoke slowly and softly, "Did I say you could speak?" Keith stared at the top of the table. He knew he was in trouble. He wasn't going to get off easy either. "No Sven, you didn't." "Don't forget your place." Sven turned back to the others. His eyes swept over each of them. "I won't accept another failure. Do you all understand me?" Pidge, Romelle and Hunk nodded their heads. Sven smirked and stood up. "Good as long as we understand each other." He stepped away from the table and placed his hand on the back of Keith's chair. "You. Come with me." He walked towards the door. Keith stood up and followed silently behind him. "Bastard." Romelle leaned one elbow on the table. "Which one Pidge? Sven or his little shadow?" "He's does have a name Romelle." Hunk glared at Romelle. "Oh, the human statue speaks. What words of wisdom do you have for us?" Hunk continued to glare at Romelle. He gave a deep sigh and slowly stood up. As he walked out of the room, he said quietly, "I refuse to waste my intelligence speaking an ignorant creature like you." "Ignorant! You cretin! I should get rid of you! You have no right to speak to me that way!" "Be quiet. No one cares, Romelle." Pidge stood abruptly. "You make me sick." Once he got to the door, Pidge shut it cutting off Romelle's shrieks of outrage. He leaned against it and sighed. Sometimes it was so hard to remember why he was here.
Keith looked up from his painting as he heard the door open. He saw it was Pidge and went back to his painting. "What is it now Pidge?" "How can you let him treat you like that?" Pidge walked up behind him. He watched Keith paint while he spoke. "It's like you're some kind of pet of something." Keith's grip on his brush tightened. "I told you before, it's not your concern. Just drop it." "No, I won't." He grabbed Keith's wrist. "Why won't you listen to reason?" Keith turned his head to look at Pidge. "You don't understand." "Then make me." Long moments passed as Keith stared into Pidge's face. Then he turned his face away and stared at the floor. Pidge sighed. He released his grip on Keith's wrist. "Why do I bother? You don't care." "I do care, I just..." The door slammed shut. Keith swung his head towards the door. Sven leaned back against the door. "Am I interrupting anything?" "Of course not Sven," Keith mumbled, his gaze going back down to the floor. He straightened up and walked up to Keith. "Pidge, don't you have somewhere to be? Now." He stood his hands on Keith's shoulders. Sven watched Pidge walk out of the room. His grip tightened on Keith's shoulders. Once the door closed, Sven leaned down until his mouth was right next to Keith's ear. "Why was he here?" he hissed. Keith bit his lip to keep from crying out. Sven's grip on his shoulders hurt. A lot. "He just wanted to talk. Nothing happened." Sven released his grip on Keith's shoulder. "Good. You're mine and I won't let anyone else have you." He straightened up and rubbed Keith's shoulders. He looked at the painting Keith had been working on. "Your painting is lovely." "Do you really think so?" Keith twisted around to look up at Sven. "I hoped you would like it." Sven looked down at Keith. He had such an adoring look on his face. He makes me sick but he's useful. He gave Keith an indulgent smile. It suited his plans to be nice, for now. "Of course all of your paintings are wonderful. I like them all. You know that." Keith turned back around to face the canvas. "It'll be finished in a few more days." "Wonderful. Well, don't let me keep you from working." Sven's smile dropped off his face the minute his back was turned to Keith. He walked over to the door and walked out. He partially closed the door behind him. "Sven loves me. He doesn't mean to hurt me, it's just an accident. He loves me." Sven smiled, pleased with himself as he quietly shut the door. Keith was so pathetic. Trying to justify to himself the way he was treated. It was actually quite amusing. The poor dear didn't sure which way was up anymore. Right now, he was useful to Sven and his plans, once Keith's use was up... Sven would get rid of him like he should have years ago. Lance sat in front of a painting, just admiring it. The subject of the painting of two people underneath the shade of a huge tree. The way the shadows were lying and the position of the figures in the painting made it difficult to determine whether they were male or female. The colors used were dark and deep, giving the painting a mysterious air. Something about the painting drew Lance to it. He didn't understand what but he'd just known when he had first seen it, he had to have it. "Are you still obsessing with that painting? You're starting to worry me Lance." Lance turned away from the painting to look at his 'cousin'. They weren't actually related to each other. The dynamics of the relationship between them was too complicated to explain to others. They simply called each other cousin because it was more convenient than any other title. "When don't I worry you Lotor? " Lotor leaned against the door. "You do have a point there." "I wonder who painted this." Lance turned back to the painting. "I want to meet him. I want to know what sort of person would paint something like this." "You should stop thinking about your mysterious painter and concentrate on your duties." Lance's nose scrunched up. "Like you and our other dear cousin? Personally I'd actually like to have a life." "So are you saying we don't have lives?" "No. I'm saying there's more to life than serving as attack dogs." "You would say that. Don't you care about the assassinations?" "I care, but we're no closer to finding out who the assassins are than anyone else." Lotor smirked. "I wouldn't be so sure of that."
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