"What happened?" he asked quietly.
"We told you..."
"No. Allura, even I can see when you're lying. Now tell me what happened, really."
Keith looked up at the older man. He knew this would not be easy. He took a deep breath, and began.
"Lance...and I...we, slept...together..."
At this, Gorma appeared slightly shocked, but not at all angry.
"Nanny caught us, she told Coran...they hurt us both...badly, beat us..." he motioned to his own bandaged head, "we were unconcious...I don't know about Lance, they seperated us. I woke up, tied to a tree, sick and sweating. After a while I heard...I heard the scream, Lance...I'm sure Allura heard it too. I...I got free, and went to him...oh...oh god..." at this Keith broke down sobbing.
"There, there," Gorma rumbled, rocking Keith like a child.
'Sweet, dear Gorma,' Allura thought, 'leave it to him to be so caring towards someone he barely knows.'
"I never knew Coran was capable of such a thing," the doctor said suddenly, "he was always such a gentle man...kind, actually rather shy...if he's the man I know him to be, he'll feel awful about this..."
"But...he.." Keith protested
Gorma sighed, "I know him, Keith. He was raised to be like...to be like that."
"So were we." Keith replied, his dark eyes growing darker.
The elder nodded, and stood up slowly. "I'd better go check on Lance."
"Can...can I go with you?"
Gorma smiled faintly, "I don't see why not. You saved his life."
Keith stood as well, and followed Gorma. Allura followed suit, but hung back, when Gorma motioned for her to stop. He hung back as well, for he could see the maelstorm of love, guilt, and fear in Keith's eyes as he reached Lance's bedside.
Keith laid his hand over his friend's. It was warm, alive and Keith reveled in it, the feel of every tendon, every twitch of muscle.
"Oh, Lance." he murmured, "dear Lance...I love you so much...more than you know...oh, I'm so sorry..." tears stung his eyes again, but he blinked them back.
Lance shifted and groaned softly. "Dr.?" Keith said, glancing over his shoulder, "I...think he's waking up."
Gorma shrugged, "It's possible...he was hurt pretty badly, but I suppose..."
Lance shifted his aching body. God it hurt! Slowly he opened his eyes...or eye, as one was swolled shut. As his vision swam into focus, he managed a faint smile. The first thing he saw was his lover, dark eyes shinning.
"Keith." He whispered, his voice a phlegmy gurgle.
Keith blinked, startled, then smiled in return.
"Keith?" Lance queried, and the other gripped his hand a bit tighter.
Lance smiled again, "I love you."
"I love you too, Lancer." Keith smiled, bent down and kissed Lance's forehead.
Lance, still smiling, closed his eyes and was soon asleep again.
Keith pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down, still holding his friend's hand. Gorma started to go to him, but Allura pulled him back.
"No. Look at them. They deserve it." she whispered to him. Gorma nodded, and the both of them crept out of the room.
Keith took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. He was crying and smiling at the same time. Crying because of the pain and suffering he had caused his dear friend, Smiling because Lance was alive. He remembered the gut-knotting, shattering horror he'd felt thinking Lance was dead. It had been almost as if a part of his heart had been torn from him. Even before they'd been lovers, Keith had cared deeply for his spirited, joking friend. He'd had no idea Lance was like him...well, sure, he'd suspected by the way Sven and Lance had looked at each other sometimes. To think it was his fault this had happened. He'd just wanted to help his friend...okay, that and satisfy his curiousity. Keith realized he had never felt so deeply about anyone, he would die if it meant Lance would live. He wondered if the man lying broken before him felt the same way. He hoped he did.
The corridors of the castle seemed terribly cold and empty to Allura as she and Dr. Gorma walked down them. Their footsteps echoed hollowly off the shiny, metallic walls.
"We have to talk to them." Gorma stated firmly.
"I know," she replied.
"It won't be easy to convince them."
Allura sighed, "I know that too. I just...I still can't believe Coran would do that."
"Neither can I."
They reached Castle Control and opened the door. The sight that greeted them was not a friendly one. Coran and Nanny were both standing, glaring at them. Hunk was slightly behind them, and looked angry and betrayed. Pidge looked confused and slightly upset.
"What are you doing here?" Coran snapped. Gorma was shocked and nearly scared by the venemous tone of his voice.
"We've come to talk to you. About Keith and Lance." this was Allura.
"Yeah?" Hunk rowled, "What about the faggots?"
"You're too late. The bastards are already dead by now. They deserve it."
"No they don't!" shouted Gorma angrily, "They are people, just like any of us. They love each other! Can't you understand that?"
Coran's expression grew colder than arctic ice. "No."
Allira was shocked, as was her companion. This was not good, and it was going to get worse. But, soon enough her shock melted away to reveal a blazing anger.
"You can't hurt them! I will not let you!" she shouted, "As Princess of Arus, I place them under Royal Protection."
Coran blinked. It had been a long time since any monarch had put that into use. Royal protection extended to every citizen of Arus...but the rest of the force, excepting Pidge, were not citizens. He could not argue with the princess now. There was no way to breal that order. His expression hardened.
Lance slept peacefully, dreeaming of a time far in the future or far in the past. He sat alone on a rock in a dark, green, comforting forest. He stood, his form rippling in the dreamscape.
'Sven?' he called in a faint, echoy voice.
'Yes.' came the reply.
'Sven, where are you?'
'Vright here.' he voice was behind him now, and he turned to wrap his friend in a close embrace.
'I've missed you, love.'
'E'f meesed yew too.' Sven replied.
Lance kissed his lover warmly. It felt so good to be with him again, to feel Sven's heart pound with the same desire he himself felt. Sven pulled back and smiled sugestively at him. Gently, he hauled Lance to the ground along with him. Lance looked up at his friend, eyes glimmering brightly in anticipation.
'Yeah,' he said, 'well I missed you more.'
Keith had fallen asleep as well, and now lay sprawled half in his chair, half on Lance. He dreamt of happiness as well. His dear parents, his first lover, his beloved Lance. He smiled in his, know there was only one thing that could stop him...them. Unconciously, he steered his mind away from that subject, back to more...pleasurable thoughts. A delicious shiver bristled through him at the "Sweet dreams" that his mind conjured up.
'They look so peaceful,' Allura though with a smile as she watched her friends. Lance, sleeping peacefully on his back. And Keith, shaggy head resting on Lance's chest, rising and falling with every breath they took. She couldn't really make out their faces in the dim light, but both of them appeared to be smiling slightly. She wondered abesently what they were dreaming of. Each other? her mind piped up; she giggled softly. It was likely though...she shook her head. She realy shouldn't be thinking things like this. She couldn't help but giggle a bit louder, knowing that Nanny would probably tell her it wasn't ladylike.
The injured pilot still dreamed deep, the time of pleasure with his friend now over, they lay close in the comforting dark of they sylvan dreamscape. He sighed contentedly, sounding undeniably hollow, a faint reminder that this wasn't real.
'Lance, luf.' Sven spoke up, 'Yor toghts betlray yew.'
'Our vriend, Ket. Efen now yew tink of heem. Vhy?'
'He...he came to help me...aa..after you were taken. He is good...really.'
'Een more vays den vone, eet seems.' Sven's tone was growing angry now. 'Vremember? Ve svore to each oter...nefer to brek.'
'I couldn't help it!' Lance protested, 'I...I missed you...I wanted...'
'Yew vanted somvone tew mek yew fel vonted, huh?' Sven asked mockingly.
'Sven...please...I didn't mean...' fear grew now, clutched at him.
'Vhat vill yew do vhen I com back, huh?' Sven pinned him, arm across his neck.
Lance choked. 'No..Sv--en...I....uhg...d...ugh..uchgk...' he couldn't get his breath. The apparition of Sven swirled and changed, becoming a horribly familiar monster from his darkest nightmares. Lotor.
The weight pushed down on his chest and neck...he grew panicked, his eyes wide.
'Remember me? I'm sure you do...' the pressure on his neck eased slightly, and he could breathe, if just barely. He gulped. He did remember, from nightmares and battles long gone. The cruel, handsome prince terrified and aroused him at the same time. He shuddered with revulsion at the cold hands that groped his body, the mouth that suffocated him in a brutal kiss.
'You're alone now, Lance. No one to save you now. And you know why, don't you? It's your fault! Yes, you know it is...it's your fault.'
'No-o-o...' he whimpered, tears stinging his eyes. The mouth moved down his body, he squirmed. He cried, whimpering and sobbing at the gruesome pleasure and bottomless terror. Lotor's breath was hot and moist like an animal's...the weight on his chest increased, crushing him. He couldn't get away...he'd never be able to...it was his fault...he felt a cold, hard blade against his throat. An intense, burning pain ripped through him as it cut...he felt his blood run hot down his neck, drizzling to the ground below him...he cried even as his life flowed out of him...the stark blackness of death crushed a scream from his chest, a terrible, sobbing cry...he was alone, now, then, and always.
Keith awakened instantly at the wretched howl beside him. He jerked upright. Lance was sobbing, shaking, clinging to him like a helpless child. Keith made no move to pull himself away; instead he drew Lance close, stroking his hair and murmmuring gentle words to him.
"It's okay...don't cry...it was just a nightmare...you'll be okay...calm down." but Keith was frightened. He had never seen Lance like this, and wondered what could be so terrible that it would reduce Lance to barely more than a lost, scared child.
Allura had heard the scream too, and her heart lept into her throat at the awful, beastial sound.
"Good god..." she hissed beneath her breath.
She peered cautiously into the medroom, and saw a rather unusual scene. Lance clung tightly to his dark-haired comrade, bawling his eyes out, and Keith held him, comforting him as best he could. She debated for a monet whether or not to go to them, and decided for it. She tiptoed up so as not to disturb them, a laid a light hand on Lance's bare back. He looked up at her, eyes wide and red. Keith as well had noticed, and looked quetioningly at her.
"What happened?" she asked softly.
"I had a nightmare." Lance whimpered, burrowing deeper into Keith's arms. Keith looked absolutely helpless, and she ruffled his hair playfully.
"Shh..it's okay." she whispered to the young man, "It was just a dream, it wasn't real."
"Yeah, buddy, take it easy. You're okay."
Lance snuffled in reply, and gave his friend a cat-like nuzzle.
"I miss him, Keith, so much..." his voice was barely audible.
"Sven...oh, god...it's my fault! It's my f-fault..."
'Oh no, not this.' Keith thought, "No...no, hey, no it's not...it was an accident."
Allura was a little confused. They all missed Sven, very much. Why would it upset Lance so much?
"What's he talking about?" she queried.
Keith looked to Lance, and Lance nodded meekly.
"Sven and Lance were...lovers." he said, "And Lance thinks it's his fault Sven was nearly killed. Which, of course, it isn't." he directed the last part mostly at Lance.
Allura nodded. Now she knew why he was so hurt by this. Mentally, she prayed for her dear comrade.
Pain seared Lance's guts like a ball of molten lead. They couldn't understand! How could he tell them the horror he felt, the sheer magnitude of his pain? How could he make them understand the guilt that choked him so, crushed him like a demon's vile claw? He couldn't. It was his fault, and he knew it too well. Sven wasn't coming back; he could feel it. His lover...the man he'd shared his bed--his life--with for perhaps 5 years. Sven had been so dear to him, a kind, wonderful friend and a passionate, aggressive lover. And it was his fault...his own carelessness had nearly gotten Sven killed. He couldn't live with the guilt anymore...it was too much. He snuggled deeper into Keith's embrace, tears flowing anew from his already red eyes. Why wouldn't it go away? Why? What had he done to deserve this? He whimpered.
Lance still sobbed on his shoulder, and Keith grew increasingly upset as well. This could not be good. On a whim, he started to sing a lullaby of sorts, something he'd learned when he was a little kid.
"Bright eyes... Burning like fire... Bright eyes... How can you close them now? How can the light that burns so brightly Suddenly burn so pale...?"
He noted with some amusement Allura's slightly startled expression. She'd never heard the song before...he thought she looked as though she liked it, and he liked that. Keith rocked Lance gently, and eventually the other pilot was fast asleep again. "Sweet dreams, Lancer..." he murmmured.
"He's good at keeping a secret." Allura said suddenly. "No one ever found out about him and Sven."
"Yeah," Keith replied, in a soft, almost melancholy voice.
"What is it?"
"Aw, nothing. It's just that...when Sven comes back...they'lll be together...and I'll be alone..."
"Again." she finished.
He nodded.
"Don't worry. As long as your here, you'll never be alone." she hugged him, and he smiled slightly.
"You know what I mean."
"Yes, I do."
He sighed. She tried to understand, he thanked her for that, but she couldn't. He watched her slip to another corner of the room. He didn't want to be alone again. He was torn, deeply. He wanted for Lance to be happy...but...he didn't want to lie cold and alone.
'Admit it, Keith, you're scared. Scared of losing him and losing yourself.' a voice at the back of his mind mocked him. Sighing, he stood and decided to take a walk. Being careful to avoid Castle Control, he make his way out to the garden. He sat down on one of the cold, carved marble benches. It faced an ancient stone fountain carved with roaring lions. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small object and peered intently at it. The keen little blade glinted sharply in the moonlight, testifying to it's effectiveness. His hand shook slightly at the thought of the intense power he held.
'Maybe Lance would be better off if I just left now.'
Closing his eyes tightly, he pressed the razor's shining edge into his wrist and pulled.
The first thing he felt was the hot rush of blood. It frightened him, the sudden spilling of his life all over his hands, his arms...everything. He was trembling, but even so he managed to rend a slice in his other wrist. With each beat of his heart, more blood spurted to the surface. Keith stared blankly at his hands, shivering, the magnitutde of what he had just done barely registering. He was soaked, sticky, he felt weak and light headed. He could hear the aching thud of his heart as his world spun. All went black as he drifted into the calm, dark, rippling river of death.
Unfortunately--or perhaps fortunately--Coran had also decided to walk in the garden. A cold, scaly snake of guilt coiled through his insides. He'd never wanted to hurt anyone, truly he hadn't. But something in him said that he must...at least the two young pilots...NO! This was not his way, he must fight it. It just wasn't right. They had long protected the castle; he could not destroy them now. Allura was right, this was foolish. He badly regretted the things he had said and done, and wished he could apologize for his misdeeds.
"Oh, Alfor, what shall I do?" he thought to himself. Coran continued on, coming at last to his favourite fountain. It was carved at the peak with five winged lions, leaping out towards the night sky, showered with water that shone by the moon's light. The marble was intricately, exquisitely carved, each feather of a hawk's wing, each strap of a sandal. It was, truly, a work of art. And Coran knew of a spot, just under one of the lions' chins, where Allura had carved name when she was small. He smiled at the memory, even if she had upset him and Nanny terribly by climbing so high, her look of childish innocence had made him laugh. Moving around to the other side, he nearly tripped over something lying on the ground. Looking down, he saw with shock that it was the captain, motionless and bloody. Fighting back the terrible urge to strike him here and now, Coran knelt and gently rolled Keith over. His wrists were slit, and still bled slightly. His eyes were closed, his jaw slack. He looked so peaceful, he could almost be sleeping. Glinting nearby was a small blade, Coran knew easily it was the one that had killed Keith. Just then he relized something. 'If he still bleeds,' the elder thought, 'He still lives!'
From far off Keith heard an odd voice, echoing silently. It was deep, quiet...almost like a great purr.
'Child' it said, 'You cannot be here.'
Why? he spoke without a sound
'It is not the right time, child.'
But it's so nice here...
'Even so, it is not the time. You must go child.' he saw, faintly, a shimmering ripple in the shape of a great cat....a lion. All black. A black lion? Black Lion! he felt as though he'd been slapped.
'You see now, mi'chui?'
He nodded invisibly, though in truth he did not understand fully.
The purr intensified. 'Then go now, chui.'
Keith felt something like a heavy paw push his chest, and the dark-gol lion's eyes faded from his view.
Coran struggled with himself. Part of him said he should just leave Keith, as he had before; but another, newer part told him he couldn't let him die, at least not alone. He sighed deeply, his soul torn.
Marshalling his strength and sense, he decided he would not leave the young man's side. Tearing a few scraps from his shirt, he tied two around Keith's wrists. Another he dipped in the cool waters of the fountain, and draped it across the captain's forehead. Keith remained quiet and still. Coran grew fearful. Suddenly, he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. The captain's hand twitched, and his eyes fluttered open. He grunted softly. Then his eyes focused on Coran, and he screamed.
"No, no, please...calm down! I wish to help you!"
"Bullshit..." Keith croaked.
"Young man, if I didn't want you to live, I would have left you here to die."
"You left us before. Without Allura we would've died. Why should you change now?"
"Well then, if that's the way you feel about it, I'll leave."
"Fine, then."
Coran stood; Keith watched him go. Then, he stood up shakily, and ran a hand through his unruly hair. He too returned from whence he'd came.
When he got to the medbay, he was surprised and pleased to find Lance yammering away to the princess. Apparently, he was feeling better.
"Hey, buddy." Lance spoke up as he entered.
"Hey, Lance. Feeling better, huh?"
"Apparently so. I didn't know that one person could talk so much so fast!" Allura laughed.
"Must be the bump on my head," Lance grinned, "It's loosening my tongue."
Keith chuckled and gave him a hug.
"Well, it's great to know that you're okay."
"Most assuredly," Allura added, smiling. "But just one thing..."
"Yes...?" Keith ventured warily
"At the academy, did you really kiss an lizard in front of the whole class?"
Keith blinked, the his eyes narrowed. "LANCE!"
Lance smiled innocently. "No, he didn't, actually."
"That's better."
Allura was nearly doubled over laughing at their interchange.
"Methinks your tongue is a bit too loose...you're starting to mix things up. I believe, that it was you who kissed Iggy!"
Lance blushed perhaps 5 different shades of red.
Allura laughed still harder.
"Hey! Gimme a break, I was drunk!"
"Listen to him. Drunk in class. Lance, at least you could've had the dignity to pass out."
"I did!"
"After the deed was done."
"Oh, give it a rest, you...you...walking textbook!"
"Boys, boys...stop...heehee..." Allura sputtered.
Suddenly Lance frowned, peering closely at Keith. "Keith...what's...is that blood?!"
Keith nodded solemnly.
"You didn't..." Lance said, shocked.
"I did."
Allura stared at him. Lance looked pained.
Keith slumped. "Ally...can I talk to him, alone, please?"
She nodded wordlessly, and left the room.
"Why?" Lance asked, his voice choked.
"Because...Lance...when Sven comes back...you won't need me anymore..."
"Keith!" Lance barked, scornful. Then more gently, "I need you...we all need you. Without you, who'd fly Black Lion, huh? Who'd keep us from killing each other?"
"I know, I know. I...Lance, I don't want to lose you."
Lance looked at him with calm concern is his normally bright eyes.
"I love you so much. I've told you that a lot lately, haven't I?" Lance nodded. "I do want you to be happy, but..."
"I understand." Lance said, "I didn't realize you were so upset. I if had..."
"It doesn't matter. I'm just a surrogate anyway." Keith snapped coldly.
Lance was stunned and hurt. "Keith...please, please don't say that. I do care about you..." slowly he pulled Keith into his arms and kissed him tenderly. But still, Keith felt horribly tense and stiff against him. He ran his tongue along the other's jawline, hoping to elicit some response. But, alas, there was none.
Deep inside himself, Keith cried out. He wanted Lance so badly, needed him. But he couldn't. Look at the trouble he'd already caused. Besides that, it just wasn't right for him to have a relationship with his co-pilot, was it? 'What are you afraid of?' an accusitive voice at the back of his mind asked. 'Are you afraid that if you let yourself love someone, they'll just die or ditch you? Or that you'll lose them?' 'I will lose him. When Sven...' 'Oh, just shut up about that! You can cross that bridge when you come to it! Just enjoy yourself! You can love him, it won't do you any harm.' Keith suddenly gasped as he felt Lance's fingers tickle his belly. Then, heeding his mind's advice, he grinned wickedly, and flipped over so he was lying on top of his lover.
"Finally." Lance breathed.
"Are you sure about this? I mean, you're still injured and all..."
"We don't have to do anything. I kind of like it right here."
"Yeah...this is nice isn't it?"
"Keith, I do love you. You know that...but, Sven and I..." he trailed off.
"I know. It's okay." Keith kissed him.
"Thank you."
Keith grinned, and rolled off his friend.
"Think now we can manage to convince Coran and the rest of them to let us stay?"
"I don't know...with Allura and a miracle, maybe. Can you walk?"
"Yeah...with a little help."
"Okay, well, that's good."
"I might want to find some other clothes, though. I can't exactly defend myself and my lover in PJs, can I?"
Keith laughed softly. "No, I guess not. Don't worry, we'll get out of this alive, trust me."
"What do you think I was doing that night?"
Keith ruffled Lance's hair, and smiled lovingly at him.
Allura, meanwhile, had been wandering the halls somewhat aimlessly; when suddenly she ran into Coran.
"Princess..." he smiled, "I have found a way."
"No, no...that's not what I mean. I have made my decision. They may stay, without fear of animosity from anyone."
Allura stared at him, bewildered. "Really? But you..."
"That was then. I have made my decision, and it is final. If you wish, I shall announce it formally."
Allura laughed and hugged Coran. "Oh, thank you, so much! Haha! Oh, this is wonderful!"
"Yes, indeed. Now go along and tell the boys that all of you must come to castle control in one hour."
"I will!" she called out, already running back.
Coran shook his head, smiling. She was such a spirited girl.
"Keith! Lance!" Allura shouted to her friends as she burst into the medbay.
The two boys turned to look at her curiously.
"What?" Lance asked.
"I...I can't tell you now...but...Coran says to come to castle control in one hour."
Keith and Lance looked at each other, and back at Allura.
"I get the feeling it's not going to be good." Keith glowered.
"We can only hope..." Lance replied.
"From what I heard, I think it will be in your favor..." Allura grinned.
By the end of the hour, Keith, Allura, and Lance were standing before the small assembly. This consisted of Nanny, Coran, Pidge and Hunk. Coran cleared his throat.
"In lieu of this whole fiasco, there has been much violence and contreversy. I myself have done some regrettable things. But, I have been asked to make a judgement. And so I shall."
The two young men tensed and stared wide-eyed. Lance gulped.
"Keith Akira and Lance Grayson, because you love each other, and because of all you have done for us, I decree that you may stay, without fear of violence, cursing, or animosity from anyone. You are part of us and each other. You belong here, as much as anyone."
Keith laughed out loud and hugged Lance tightly. Lance grinned and hugged him back. Allura smiled at the pair. Nanny still glowered, but even she was softened a little. Hunk and Pidge smiled to, albeit a little reluctantly. Coran stood watching, like a great lion, over the whole group.
Keith looked at his lover, and Lance looked back. Keith winked.
"Haha...oh, all of you, thank you!"
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