Every time you start your car you do the Voltron formation sequence.
Every time you see a cat you sing the Voltron theme song.
You have made up words to the Voltron theme song.
You belong to a Voltron email list.
You write Voltron fan fiction.
You cry when your favorite character dies in a fan fic, and send hate mail to the author.
You track down that author's address and wrap his/her house.
You write fan fiction where that author dies a terrible death.
Every time you see a woman with an apron, you scream "RUN!! IT'S NANNY!!" and run off screaming and waving your arms in the air.
You bow to every long haired blond woman and say "Greetings your highness."
Whenever you see someone who, even remotely, looks like one of the Voltron Force you ask them where their lions are.
Every time you see a man with long white hair, you immediately fall to his feet in fear and say "Please don't hurt me Lotor!".
You dream of marrying one of the Voltron Force.
You call your boss "skipper".
You take flying lessons just in case you get to fly one of the lions someday.
You believe that your car is a lion, and the other cars are robeasts.
Every time you hear a lion roar, you take a fighting stance and scan the crowd for robeasts.
You think the crowd is a bunch of disguised robeasts.
Every time you see a witch during Halloween, you attack her screaming "TAKE THAT HAGAR!!".
You study magic and spells so that you can beat Hagar at her own game.