Last Updated: 5/6/00
Taryn's Voltron Parodies
Please note the following warning labels following the story titles:
Yaoi: Stories containing material that deals with male/male relationships. They are not necessarily graphic, but don't read them if the thought of two men in a relationship bothers you.
Yuri: Stories containing material that deals with female/female relationships.
Lemon: Stories with adult content. Should not be read by anyone under the age of 18, period.
Violence : Stories contain scenes which are violent. Reader discretion is advised.
The Voltron the Third Dimension Survival Guide
This was originally going to get it's very own page, but so far that hasn't happened.
The Unofficial Voltron the Third Dimension Drinking Game!! As if there's an official one.
When Voltron Writers Get Desperate: Appearing courtesy of Tamysan and Voltron: Tales from the Denubian Drive-In
by Taryn
A Bedtime Story If you think Voltron: the Third Dimension is the coolest thing you've
ever seen, you probably want to skip this one.
A Voltron Fairy Tale Yaoi
And the Award Goes to... Yaoi A multi-anime crossover parody.
Run! Run while you can! It's time for:
Voltron Karaoke Theater
aka What Taryn Does When She Gets Very Bored
What Would Good King Alfor Do? If I have to watch one more episode where
King Alfor's Ghost suddenly appears to save the day, I'll scream.
I Want It That Way Yaoi This probably also falls
somewhere into the 'it's better if you just don't ask' category.
A Day Off Yaoi Because I really just couldn't leave the idea alone. 
By Jenn
Jenn's Fan Art
The Rocky Horror Voltron Show Yaoi I just love this!
By Phoenix
Voltron Bloopers Yaoi Yuri as well, for that matter.
But only very slightly.
You know you're a Voltron fanatic when...
By Todesengel Gebieterangst
Visit Todesengel's Page: Durcheinanderreich
Voltron Bloopers Continued Yaoi the Fanfic Version
Outtakes Yaoi The Voltron Force does Star Wars
By Shannon
Shannon's Page: V-Force II
Stuff and Whatnot I especially recommend the PTA story.
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